Hazanavicius is married to his film's star, also Oscar-nominated, the lovely (but not Jewish), Berenice Bejo.
Hazanavicius is married to his film's star, also Oscar-nominated, the lovely (but not Jewish), Berenice Bejo.
Da Ponte also ran a grocery store... A true renaissance man!
Suggestions from Ivan from Canton, MI and Mark from Washington.
I have no idea why it took us so long to profile Dreyfuss... But one night, "Stakeout" was on cable, I decided to watch, and that's all it took.
Suggestions from Ann in California, Justin from Texas, and Ron from Vancouver.
Anfinsen was suggested by Yizhaq from Jerusalem and David from Highland Park, IL, who writes, "You are fond of noting that there are no Jews named 'Christian'." Well, we do have three Christophers and four Chrises...
Robert got his first horse as a bar mitzvah present...
This is how robots looked in Capek's 1920 play:
Weiss was suggested by Simon from Houston... as well as Yakov's old office, who once ordered lunch from a place called Hymie's.
The whole fear of 13 is kinda weird, considering he was BORN ON THE 13TH...
Suggestions from Martha from London, Jonathan from Montreal, Igor from Brazil, and David from Hungary.
And then there is that whole thing that people were supposed to "leave room for the Holy Ghost" when dancing, etc. As if... the Holy Ghost is... rubbing up against them? Men and women? I just don't get the whole concept... sorry.
I had no idea how to profile Allred... And then I went to her website.
Suggestions from Mila from Alexandria, Miriam from Burbank, and Clay from California.
People thought Reis had Portuguese Jewish ancestry... Alas, there is no proof.
Thanks to Jerry from Virginia for the suggestion.
Ratner was suggested by... no one? No one cares about douchebag directors, I guess.
Great Klotz article here from 1995... Not much has changed since.
Does this mean we're putting a kibosh on our soccer profiles? Well, maybe for a short while...
Suggestions by Levi from Sweden and Max from San Diego.
In one of the wackiest turns of the wacky story, Penzias and Wilson blame each other for shooting the pigeons...
Yet another terrific suggestion by Joe from Scranton. Further details here.
Liza from Austin wrote, "You mention that few people ever write in pairs (in Ilf and Petrov profile). Strugatsky brothers did and they are Jews of some sort... not sure what their score would be."
Thanks, Liza!
Did you know there are fans out there who re-imagine ponies as humans? Oh, the depths of human mind...
Thanks(?) to Eve from Boston for the suggestion.