And now, Happy Leap Day!
Thanks to Josh from Arizona for the suggestion.
And now, Happy Leap Day!
Thanks to Josh from Arizona for the suggestion.
Interestingly, Elena's stepson, King Michael I, is still alive...
Thanks to Richard from Perth for the terrific suggestion.
If you type "Helen Mirren" into Google, your first suggestion is "Helen Mirren bikini". We'll let you follow that up on your own, readers.
Suggestions by Barry from NY, Gary from Bethesda, MD, Ed from NJ, Darkhawk from Canada, and Karl from Australia.
Yet another country knocked out on our never-ending quest for Jews...
Suggestion from Eddie in DC.
"Seriously, who needs Frankenstein's Monster, when we already have The Golem?" We wrote that in September 2007. Better late than never?
The very useful AbeVigoda.com constantly alerts the world of his current status...
Suggestions by Lee from Philly, Jason from Vancouver, Matt from Boston, and Margaret from Brooklyn.
I love Norwegian author Erlend Loe, who is sadly not translated into English. His novella, "Quiet Days in Mixing Part", deals with a playwright who is obsessed with Lawson...
Suggestions from Luca from Rome, Mila from Alexandria, VA, Renee from New York, Harry from New York, and Gary from South Africa.
According to newly released documents, both the FBI and Britain's MI5 spent years trying to determine if the star of silent films was actually a Communist born in France under the name Israel Thornstein.Alas...
[MI5] said there was "no evidence that Chaplin's name is or ever has been Israel Thornstein," or that he had been born in France.
If Glazer is not the most hated man in England, he's definitely the most hated man in Manchester...
Those unfamiliar with the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, go here. You'll learn... something.
Yes, someone actually suggested the FSM. Ben from Israel. Honestly.
I know someone who has four Twitter accounts. Four!
Suggestions from Holly from California, Josh from St. Louis, Lopsa from France, and Caryn from Illinois.
Rudin actually has seven Tonys, and one each of the other three. Not sure if we'll ever profile him, but one EGOT winner who definitely needs a profile is Richard Rodgers...
I actually had this whole profile written in my head, saying how there were no Jews in the Brat Pack, and the best we could do is a borderline Packer in Mare Winningham... And then I remembered Judd Nelson. Duh.
And... what do you know, Ally Sheedy is Jewish as well (at least half)!
Suggestions from Jim from Tampa, Jerry from Seattle, Don from LA, and Arthur from New York.
Our second mention of "What About Bob?" in the last couple of weeks.
Thanks to Esther from Canada for the suggestion.
Now, obviously the conversation is fictional, but the gist is true: the Nazis kept Herzstark alive to give his calculator as a present to Hitler...
Another excellent suggestion by Alex from Maryland.
We're sorry to disappoint one of our suggestion champs, Mila from Alexandria, as well as Pierre from Paris (of course!) and Jean from... Texas?
Decided to finally watch this after re-watching Woody's Melinda and Melinda... A truly underrated film of his. Everyone says that Match Point was Woody's turning point of the 2000s, but M&M was his first good film after the triple-drecker of The Curse of the Jade Scorpion, Hollywood Ending, and Anything Else.
Suggestions from Devon from Marblehead, MA, Ari from Boston, Linda from Bellevue, WA, Gary from Malaysia, Noah from Long Island, Arthur from NYC, Carl from Connecticut, Bruce from LA, Michael from Fairfield, IA, and Randy from LA.
We weren't planning a Super Bowl post this year, but when it came out that the Giants' Mark Herzlich has Jewish roots... it had to be done.
Religion and prayer have long propelled the Herzlich family. Mark’s father Sandy, who was raised Jewish, related the family’s flight from Vienna during the German invasion of Austria in World War II as a past example of pushing past persecution and pain. “My dad and grandparents figured it was a good time to get out of town,” says Sandy, who converted to Protestantism when Mark was born.[1]Suggestions by Scott from Maryland, Bruce from Cambridge, IL, Michael from Montreal, and Barbara from Austria.
Suggestions from Mitchell from Lancaster, PA, Tovah from South Carolina, and Chana from South Carolina.