The Oedpial thing is not true... Promise!
Yet another excellent suggestion by Joe from Scranton.
The Oedpial thing is not true... Promise!
Yet another excellent suggestion by Joe from Scranton.
This profile led be to dig up the story to read to the three-year-old. As far as Grimm Brothers go, it's actually not that bad. Except the last sentence, when Rumpelstiltskin tears himself in half. Sorry for the spoiler.
Thanks to Tamy from Argentina for the terrific suggestion!
These are the sort of questions that defy provable answers. Miller himself changed his view of Willy over the decades, evolving from a fierce defense of his indeterminate identity to a perception of him as an untethered Jew. Literary critics, especially Jewish ones, have long argued the point among themselves. Leslie Fiedler dismissed Willy as the “crypto-Jewish” product of Miller’s “pseudo-universalizing,” while Julius Novick maintained that the Loman family’s “separation from the roots ... is what makes them so vulnerable to the false values that undo them.”
Charles Laufer was suggested by... absolutely no one. I guess our readers don't read Tiger Beat magazine?
We already discussed Max's Jewishness in his mother's profile.
Sheedy was suggested by Stacie from Corona, CA, who writes "I am a fan of the Brat Pack movies of the 80's (I am dating myself)". Dating yourself with 80s movies??? Sigh...
The identity of the couple in the photo is shrouded in mystery, but the woman is most likely Edith Shain... Jew.
Beware of false prophets...
Suggestion by Mark from the state of Washington.
Esperanto. Good idea... in theory.
Zamenhof was suggested by Matt from Boston and Tony from London.
So yes, we now have one Jewish arctic explorer. To go with two Jewish Eskimos, of course.
More here... Quite fascinating. And nutty.
Thanks to David from Highland Park, IL for the suggestion.
Nobody puts Baby in a corner?
Suggestions by Paula from Texas, Eli from Israel, Jaclyn from Toronto, Steven from Beverly Hills, Gary from Washington, and David from Chicago.
Yes, it took me 30+ years to see "Casablanca"...
Suggestions by Pablo from Venezuela, Michael from Maryland, Glenn from Queens, and Rebecca from Oregon.
We neglected to mention that Mogilevich made a lot of money in the Soviet 80s while running... public toilets.
Another great suggestion by Slava from Baltimore.
Frankly, I'm not sure if Reiser's character on My Two Days was Jewish, but come on... it's Paul Reiser! He had to be.
Suggested by David from Chicago and Elizabeth from Riverside, CA.
Suggestions by Philip from San Diego, Sue from New York, Stephi from Annapolis, Steve from Florida, Cez from Gainesville, Doris from Miami Beach, Bruce from Cambridge, IL, Ruth from Israel, Juliet from Temecula, CA, Don from LA, Pablo from London, and Pedro from Argentina. I don't think any of them were suggesting the politician or artist...
While we're at it: Gregor Mendel, also Not a Jew.
Suggestions by Mila from Alexnadria, Eli from Israel, and Malcolm from Belgium.
No relation to Al Gore. Duh.
Suggestions by Pablo from Venezuela and Arthur from New York.
Gotta love those collars...
Suggestions from Pierre from Paris and Jost from Switzerland.
We make fun of today's TV a lot, and sure, it's mostly terrible, but 80s nighttime soaps? Not exactly a winner there... Scary hair, too.
Suggestions from Pavel from Pennsylvania, Buzz from Boston, Brian from San Jose, CA, Eddie from the Netherlands, and Steve from Hollywood, FL.
For those REALLY curious about units named after scientists, here's the full list.
Suggestions by Mila from Alexandria, Mike from Mexico City, and Gideon from Toronto.
Other such unfortunately named people include Kike Elomaa, a Finish bodybuilder/pop singer/politician. Some combo!
Suggestions by Don from California and Bob from Fairfield, IA.