Suggestions by Robbie from New York and John from Australia.
Suggestions by Robbie from New York and John from Australia.
So, yes, today our website turns six years old. And yes, we actually forgot our fifth birthday last year (never again!). And yes, Giamatti has been in our queue for at least five years. He's been our internal joke for the last four. I'll guess we'll give to find a new one...
Also suggested by Miriam from Burbank, Jairo from Brazil, Caleb from California, Conrad from Perth, and David from Chicago.
Apparently, not the first Hurricane Isaac... Why do they keep recycling names?
Kahn was suggested by that TV ad that shows a bunch of Internet/mobile pioneers. The ad is for... I don't remember. So much for it being an effective ad.
Don't believe it? Here's Elizabeth II to Duchess Charlotte (#45). Here's Charlotte all the way up to Madragana. And here's Madragana, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, great-great-grandfather, possible great-great-great-grandfather, Jew.
Thanks for Michael from Hartford for alerting us.
For the record, Frankfurter is the 5th profiled Supreme Court justice.
Suggestions by Jason from Vancouver and Jones from California.
This profile "pretty much wrote itself" though some people might argue "the K score is way too high" we're still "happy to have the Zagats on the team."
Suggestions from Michael from Hartford, Freda from Canada, and Zev from California, who writes "she is hot". Okay then!
What's this? A Saturday profile? Yes, to make up for the one we lost Monday.
This profile, and actually several others both upcoming and since past, came from this very interesting tome. I read the book because I'm a James fan and I find such things interesting, but it turned out to be a fantastic source for all things Jew-y.
Anyway, in case you're concerned, James actually believes Neulander is innocent. Or, at the very least, that the evidence against the Rabbi is both slim and circumstantial (both the motive and the one witness are flimsy as all get out)—and therefore hard to justify giving someone a life sentence over.
We're probably not doing Milk justice, but he's been in our queue for the longest time. Suggestions by Rob from Seattle, Mats from Norway, Bruce from Cambdirge, IL, Kevin from Michigan, Jenny from San Francisco, and Esther from Canada.
Yesterday, we published the Jared Gillman profile. The youngster starred in Wes Anderson's "Moonrise Kingdom"; we enjoyed the movie and his performance, and thought he would make a good profile.
Today, we received three emails:
From: XXXXXXXXXXXXX@dmandtalent.com
To: XXXXXXXXXXXXX@jewornotjew.com
Please remove Jared Gilman from your site immediately. He is a minor, and legal action will be taken if you do not comply.
From: XXXXXXXXXXXXX@dmandtalent.com
To: XXXXXXXXXXXXX@jewornotjew.com
Jared Gilman is a minor. Please remove his information from your site. If you do not remove it immediately, there will be legal action taken.
From: XXXXXXXXXXXXX@icmpartners.com
To: XXXXXXXXXXXXX@jewornotjew.com
Is there any way to remove this from your website? Jared's family does not appreciate having their son's religion exploited online. Please let me know if you would consider removing Jared. He is only a child and we are all worried about this type of material. Thank you.
Now, we're not ones to give in to Internet bullies, but since that last email did ask nicely, we removed the profile. It's not like his potential Jewishness is hard to verify...
So it looks like Freddie Prinze's father, Freddie Prinze Sr., was not exactly Jewish...
Suggestions from Miriam from Burbank and Bradley from Ohio.
Thanks to reader Matt and his Jewocity blog, who mentions us in today's article!
Thanks to Michael from Hartford, who has really been helpful with research lately, for the suggestion.
Today, Aleh took the gold in Women's 470!
Thanks for everyone for their support during Olympic Fortnight!
Steven (as well as the man he deposed from the race) is part of the Australian 4x400 relay team, with semifinals today and the final tomorrow.
Olympic Fortnight goes on! No, Jasikevicius is not exactly Jewish. But we are Jew or Not Jew, after all.
Composer Marvin Hamlisch, one of the few people to win an Oscar, Emmy, Tony, and Grammy, passed away today. He was 68.
Big big thanks to Zoli from Hungary for all the hard work he did in helping research this.
Also suggested by Chad from Kansas City.
And why should you? Well, the creator emailed us, and, supposedly, our little website is mentioned in the play. We're beyond flattered!
By popular demand, Olympic Week has been extended! A lot of people were asking about Sean Rosenthal. The quick answer is "Not a Jew", the slow answer is "maybe quarter Jewish... maybe". Thanks to Michael from Hartford for his always-helpful research.
Suggestions by Jordan from Silver Spring, MD, Barbara from Los Angeles, Stacie from Corona, CA, Phil from New Jersey, Jason from Charlotte, Wayne from San Diego, and John from Walnut Creek, CA.
Yes, six-time Olympic medalist (3 in Beijing, 3 in London) Rebecca Soni is Jewish. Any doubt has been erased by this article (English translation). She is Jewish on her father's side. Her grandparents are Auschwitz survivors...
And we conclude our Olympic Week. But you never know, we might have more Olympians soon enough! (Especially if Jews WIN something...)
Soni is the US swimmer who today broke her own world record in the 200 meter breaststroke. She has five medals total.
Confirmed... Jewish paternal grandparents. Auschwitz survivors...
She might be going fourth, but Julie was our last selection for Olympic Week. Congrats, Julie! For all that's worth...
Olympic Week continues with our first non-American...