Suggestion by Nels from Minnesota... Profile #1600!
Suggestions by Joel from London, Ainar from Riga, and Sasha from Russia.
Brother Niels was also a soccer player... just not as accomplished.
Hello! My name is Mandy Patinkin! You profiled my Jewishness! Prepare to die!
Suggestions by Susie from Chicago, Ronald from NJ, Scott from California, Lawrence from Brookings, OR, Seth from Massachusetts, and Paolo from Italy.
Suggestions by Joel from London and Mayeli from Tehran.
We're a little late on this one, but we really had no idea until reading Nate Bloom's always-informative column. Turns out last season's Survivor winner, the uber-nerdy John Cochran, is (half) Jewish. Hooray!
For those who complain about waiting for their requested profile to be published... Yakov himself requested Sobol, and it took a year!
Suggestion by Viktor from Paris and Richard from Austria.
These are the Goldbergs: Murray, Beverly, Barry, Erica, Adam, and Pops. Yep... these are Jews, and they will be on ABC next fall. Watch out, goyishe neighbors!
We give this show 6 months tops.
Suggestions by Rachel from New York, Michael from Hartford, Emily from New York, Emily from DC, Aryeh from London, Rach from LA, Esther from Canada, Roni from Israel, Dani from Mexico City, and Alina from London.
Suggestions by Michael from Hartford, Oren from Tel Aviv, Oren from California, Chris from Palo Alto, Josh from Arizona, Carl from Berkeley, Peter from Grenada, Art from Massachusetts, Tobyann from Culver City, CA, Alan from San Francisco, and Joseph from Halifax, CA.
No one suggested Freedman, but Louis from Brooklyn suggested his son, David Noel Freedman, who is a Presbytarian minister...
I originally looked up Rudolf Abel, the best-known Russian spy, on Wikipedia, and they had him wrongly listed as Jewish. That's fixed now, but Blake is definitely as interesting...
So the bronze medal was shared Mexico and the joined French/British team. Not sure how that works in the lifetime medal count...