Suggested by a commenter on this post.
Suggestions by Michael from Hartford and Eric from Philadelphia.
Roberts' other NHL games came for the long-defunct New York Americans.
Seven(!) years ago, when Yakov first pitched me the idea for what would become JONJ, Frazee was his example for the goyim-who-some-people-think-are-Jewish that we would profile...
Suggestions by Wayne from Georgia and Don from Arizona.
Greatest faux Jewish athlete name... Napoleon Einstein or Hannukkah Wallace?
Suggestion by Jonathan from California, Pablo from Venezuela, and James from Pittsburgh.
So, until Michael Phelps showed up, the man with the most medals at one Olympics and the woman with the most medals at one Olympics were both Jewish...
Their paternal grandmother was Jewish, for those wondering.
Suggestion by Dennis from Nuremberg.
I don't remember how I ran into the New Jersey Hall of Fame, but when I did, I just had to write about it...