Suggested by TBS.
Suggestion by Miriam from Burbank and Muse from Connecticut.
Suggestions by Natalie from Florida and Don from Arizona.
Suggestions by Mila from Alexandria, Mark from Tennessee, and Bill from Brooklyn.
Suggestions by Galyna from Ohio, Erwin from New Mexico, Dean from Israel, and Jim from Princeton.
Suggestions by Ben from London and Kern from California.
Sampaio was suggested by... someone a while back. Sorry, can't find the email.
Although the Palestine-born Berger competed for the US, he truly could be called Israel's first medalist...
Suggestions by Levi from Texas and Paul from Minnesota.
Suggestion by Alan from Pennsylvania, Shulum from Georgia, Albert from California, and Clay from Texas.
Suggested by the recent rush of Nobel Jewish laureates.
Suggestions by Michael from Hartford, Neal from Sarasota, and Miriam from Burbank.