Suggestions by Eric from Indiana, Elyssa from Austin, Jonathan from LA, Elias from Sweden, Pablo from Venezuela, Dennis from Nuremberg, Miriam from Burbank, Rachel from NYC, Andy from Chicago, and Amalya from Israel.
Suggestions by Eric from Indiana, Elyssa from Austin, Jonathan from LA, Elias from Sweden, Pablo from Venezuela, Dennis from Nuremberg, Miriam from Burbank, Rachel from NYC, Andy from Chicago, and Amalya from Israel.
Suggestions by Mark from New York and Liz from Connecticut.
Suggested by me after reading about the Time of Troubles.
Whoever suggested Janco was lost in our email crash. Sorry!
Suggestions by Andre from Houston, Mike from Virginia, Josh from NY, Jorge from Mexico, and David from Las Vegas.
Skye actually had a very small role on "Arrested Development"...
Suggestions by Ira from Holden, MA, Bruce from Cambridge, IL, Dan from Albuquerque, Neal from Sarasota, Harry from California, and Steve from Southampton, PA.
Cohen was Liverpool's first non-British player in 24 years.