Suggestion by... alas, too many people to keep ignoring.
Suggestion by... alas, too many people to keep ignoring.
Grantland has an article about the 25th year anniversary of "When Harry Met Sally...", talks about the potential Jewishness of various characters, and throws the following wonderful part:
Even the excellent website Jew or Not Jew is stumped about Rachel, although it expresses a firm conviction that Seinfeld’s Elaine is not Jewish, which would make her the only frizzy-haired brunette Upper West Sider named Elaine in the history of Manhattan Island not to be.
Nope... Elaine is CLEARLY not Jewish. Sorry, Grantland!
Jerry (reading): Jewish singles night?Kramer: I expect you both to be there.
Elaine: I'm not Jewish.
Kramer: Well neither am I.[1]
Suggestions by Miriam from Burbank and George from LA.
Suggestions by Simon from Houston and Steve from Maryland.
Suggestions by Thomas from Texas and Steve from Cambridge, MA.