Well, at least this profile gave us the return of the Internet Gremlins...
LBJ was suggested by Kristine from NJ, Ben from NY, Yosef from Eilat, Cara from NJ, and Alan from Illinois.
And except for the fact that it’s a mobile-phone application, “Jew or Not a Jew” isn’t exactly breaking any new ground. Back in 1989, a Saturday Night Live sketch co-written by certified Jew Al Franken was called “Jew, Not a Jew” and played much the same game. Howard Stern, who despite his prominent proboscis claims to be only half-Jewish, regularly featured a game called “Guess Who’s the Jew” on both radio and TV. And since 2006, the website jewornotjew.com has played the “Who’s a Jew?” game with far more wit and panache than the new iPhone app. The site issues each celebrity a “Jew Score” based on three variables: “How Jewish they are internally, how Jewish they are externally and how much we want that person to be a Jew in the first place.” A post on the site’s Facebook page seems miffed at the publicity the new app is garnering and claims Johann Levy stole much of their data and 100 percent of their concept. It’s hard to argue: The mobile app’s “Random Jew” link performs exactly the same function as jewornotjew.com’s “Surprise Me!” tab—click on it, and up pops a new Jew for you to review.[1]
[Levy] says, admitting that his app was inspired by an American website with the same name.
Bon, d’abord, le gars n’a rien inventé. Et le site Jew or not jew du Web US amuse les Américains de toutes obédiences depuis des lustres sans que personne n’ait eu l’idée saugrenue d’y voir une quelconque mise en fiches.[1]
("Well, first of all, the guy did not invent anything. The US site Jew or Not Jew has amused Americans of all faiths for ages...")
Il est insupportable qu'un concepteur, fut il juif, ait pu concevoir de gagner de l'argent avec ce "bidule". Il savait très bien quelle controverse ça allait déclencher, et il a joué la dessus.
D'autant que ce qui s'est passé crêve les yeux, "juif ou pas juif" a piqué le nom et l'idée à un site existant depuis 5 ans, "www.jewornotjew.com" (et peut être du jeu www.guesswhosthejew.com).
Il se trouve que le site original "jew or not jew" fondé il y a 5 ans est un petit bijou d'humour juif new-yorkais.
Un tel site ne peut évidement que se concevoir bâti sur un très délicat échafaudage humoristique woody-allenien. C'est de la dentelle faite main de qui n'a jamais été destinée a être vendue.[2]
("It is intolerable that a designer, if he was a Jew, could conceive of making money with this 'thingy'. He knew what it was going to cause controversy, and he played it.
Especially since what happened was blindingly obvious, "Jew or not Jew" has stolen the name and the idea of an existing site for 5 years, www.jewornotjew.com (and maybe the game www.guesswhosthejew.com).
It turns out that the original site "Jew or Not Jew" was founded 5 years ago is a little gem of New York Jewish humor.
Such a site can be understood because it's built on very delicate Woody-Allen-like humor. It's handmade lace(????) that was never intended for sale.")