Friday, February 13, 2015

Profile: Lori Greiner

Suggestion by David from Illinois.


  1. And this was the Week of Obscurities on JONJ... Wow, some real, bottom-of-the-barrel stuff here. I guess, it had to be all downhill after Kim Jong Un for a while.
    But I always love your interactive profiles... How's yamulkes for dogs not a thing yet?

  2. Yeah, the first two were damn obscure, but Shark Tank is a pretty popular show. Besides, the interactive profile is damn great, if I can say so myself. :)

  3. I think this was an excellent profile. Shark Tank is a huge show and she is one of its stars. It's a far better profile than some unknown person from 100+ years ago who didn't do much of anything.

  4. But--! This site is all about fun--Jewish style! Nu?
