Monday, June 19, 2017

Profile: The Jew Among Thorns


  1. You're probably gonna sigh when i ask this and you're probably right to do so, but EVERYONE IS JEWISH... WERE THE BROTHERS GRIMM JEWISH?!? You guys write great profiles i was captivated by the Jew in the Brambles profile, how may staff members do you have? But alas i'm "(b)rambling" on going back to my original question were the Brothers Grimm Jewish? Peace!

  2. Could someone who wrote that fairy tale be Jewish?

  3. The Grimm brothers had a strict protestant upbringing. Their grandfather was a pastor.

    Besides that, I did not know this particular anti-semitic story. While other Grimm tales are very popular in German speaking countries, "Der Jud im Dorn" (German title) is now only published in an academic or in a right-wing ("völkisch national", "identitären", i.e. more or less neo-nazi) context.

    Just one minor correction. The weapon the foolish anti-semitic hero is receiving is a blowpipe ("Vogelrohr", birding/fowling piece), a simple weapon for hunting birds. Since using a rifle at birds is like "firing a cannon at sparrows" (as a German phrase goes).
