There is a bit of a groundswell among my fellow nerds and Trekkers who decidedly disliked the new Star Trek, as if the fact that the mainstream populace enjoying the film means that it must be disliked by those "in the know."
I've never understood this need by the disenfranchised to respond by disenfranchising. It's one of the uglier sides of geek-dom and one that I've found offputting enough to keep me out of the hardcore nerd culture (admittedly, for the best).
It is not my place to decide for the masses what is good or bad (just who is Jewish and who isn't). Could the story have been more cerebral? Sure. Was the plot nonsensical and, at times, completely ludicrous? Absolutely.
But if you were any kind of fan of that old series and couldn't watch the movie without a sense of its inherent joy...
I think you've lost something important along the road to fandom. And I think that's rather sad.
Pine was suggested by Mike from Hartford.
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