Klein was suggested by his own routine, where he expressed his relief that David Berkowitz is not Jewish...
Klein was suggested by his own routine, where he expressed his relief that David Berkowitz is not Jewish...
Suggestions by Lori from California, Bruce from LA, Frug from Chicago, Bernard from Norway, and David from Highland Park, IL.
The Barcelona Olympics also featured my favorite Opening Ceremony moment, the lighting of the torch by an archer's arrow.
To be fair, "Leon Kengo Wa Dondo" does sound a tad more interesting than "Leon Lubicz"...
Yes, I realize the other Guttenberg has an extra T...
Thanks to Alexander from France for the suggestion.
I am getting calls from Mordovia. They tell me there are a lot of Malkins there... In Pittsburgh someone told me: "You have a Jewish last name, move here, it will be profitable for you." I can't understand myself, is it Jewish or Mordovian... At one time I had a little business and became known as a Jew. I know there are a lot of Mordovian last names that end on "in". Kovylkin, Satalkin, Merkushkin, who was the former head of the republic. All the famous race walkers, like Kaniskina, Kirdyapkin, their coach Chyogin... So, it is quite probable that we are Mordovian.So, the father himself is not sure. Oh well. Barely a Jew he stays...
If I wrote this profile, it would have come out a lot differently, but Yakov took it over, making a convincing argument for a high K Score.
We just mentioned his pseudo-Judaism in the profile of his son, but clarification was necessary...
Suggestion by Dan from Albuquerque, NM.
Another thanks to Michael from Hartford for helping us confirm that Rosen is Jewish.
Suggestions by Neal from Sarasota, Rebecca from Brooklyn, Dan from Albuquerque, Jonathan from New York, Jodie from New York, and Ken from Austin.
Second "Girls" actress profiled... And we're not even in Season 2 yet.
Katz was a teammate of the great long distance runner, the Flying Finn, Paavo Nurmi.
The picture is from "Jacob Wrestling With The Angel" by Rembrandt.
Actually, we found a very, very prominent Pixar Jew. Profile should be coming up in a few weeks...
The 2012 Olympics are long over, but we can't help but profile some old-school Olympians... Especially someone as prolific as Osiier.
No one suggested Allen Covert, because no one really cares about Allen Covert...
I could have sworn someone suggested this one, but can't find it in our mailbox. So apologies to whoever...
Suggestions by Mila from Alexandria and Mara from Kansas.