Friday, August 18, 2017

Profile: Toto Tamuz


  1. Best friggin thing you ever wrote!

  2. I completely agree with your verdict.

  3. If you live as "a Jew", worship as a Jew, keep all the mitzvot, and believe as a Jew; then you are indeed "Jewish", no conversion necessary!

  4. "Sophisticated" Nazi anti-Semites can argue that they are just mirroring Jewish exclusivity and that the Jews are a racial state just as Nazi Germany was. We may have begun as a tribe but that ended in Bible days. Anyone can join if they have the koyach for it. Nazis had their honorary Aryans and privileged Jews--too lazy for the quotes--but they killed them when their utility ended. Judaism and Christianity are not race or blood-based and that is why they flower whereas purely racial cults do not.
