Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Profile: Mardy Fish

Update: No, not a Jew. He is listed all over the Intertubes as Jewish, but... no. Just the wife. Profile has been re-written.

And here's confirmation:

I just got of of the telephone with Tom Fish, Mardy Fish’ father. He said they would be very proud if he was of Jewish heritage but he is NOT nor does he have any Jewish history in the family. Mardy’s wife is Jewish but he did not convert. Tom said he is tired of correcting Wikipedia and has given up.

Mardy's best Grand Slam showing so far is the quarterfinals, but he did win an Olympic silver in 2004, losing to fellow Jew (what are the odds!) Nicolas Massu in the final.

Fish was suggested by Steve from Montville, NJ, Martin from Salt Lake City, Ed from Florida, Leon from Botswana(!), and Valerie from Scarsdale.


  1. ummm, gosh, this is kinda funny.... but I don't think he is Jewish. It's hilarious how it says all over the web that he is. But check out this interview

  2. Hmmm. Interesting. He's listed as Jewish all over. Might have to fix...

  3. P.S. it appears you're also wrong about Michael Brown (top right) not being a Jew. I mean, he DID win a Nobel Prize, sooo....

    I mean, physically speaking, from the top row, the three Michael Browns on the left kind of look like each other. But Michael Brown on the far right does not.

  4. Yep... Would you look at that! Michael Stuart Brown was born in New York, the son of Harvey Brown and Evelyn Brown (Katz). Fixed... and much appreciated.

  5. I always wondered if one of the Deal or No Deal models was Jewish. That alone makes Mardy's profile worth it :)
